This notice is part of the use of the website in compliance with the rules established by the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties. Responsible for the protection and treatment of your Personal Data , Riviera Maya Trips (Hereinafter “”), with address at 70 Av. Sur, Colonia Maravilla C.P. 77660, Cozumel, Quintana Roo, México. Means of obtaining Personal Data The personal data that collects from you will be used solely for the purposes described in this privacy notice and may be collected:

* Directly, entering your data or using online services through the page.

* Directly through our “call center” telephone reservation center.

* Personally, through our reservations representatives.

Data collected

The data that collect from you, will be the following: Full name with surnames, phone number, email, address and financial information such as: Credit card number, name of the holder thereof, expiration date, security code and those data that are necessary to complete and manage the reservations requested by you. Also, in special cases will request to collect your physical image (photograph and / or video), for which will enable the appropriate means to obtain the consent of the holders according to the provisions of the LFPDPPP and its regulations.

Cookies are files that the browser saves on the hard drive of the user’s computer. When you enter the site, we may store information about the session and assign one or more cookies. The cookies on this website do not collect or store personal information.

Purpose of the Personal Data collected

Your personal data will be collected for the following main purposes that are necessary for the services you may request:

* Processing, monitoring, updating, modification, cancellation and confirmation of the services you have reserved with through your means, for financial and credit purposes, to comply with the obligations contracted with you and our suppliers. Additionally, we will use your personal information for purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but that allow us and facilitate better service.

* Evaluate the quality of the service, conduct surveys on travel habits and preferences, to participate in contests and raffles, loyalty programs, implementation and development of advertising campaigns, as well as for the sending of promotions, offers, services and advertising purposes (Single and exclusively for

* Holders may immediately request the cancellation advertising emails by by clicking on the “Cancel subscription” link.

* In case you do not want your personal data to be processed for these additional purposes, you can submit a written message via email to [email protected].

Data transfer, national and international

Some personal data provided at the time of booking are shared with suppliers or affiliated companies to process and complete the contracted services. Personal data will never be transferred to people or companies outside the company. The data that is shared depends on the reserved service and are made with the purpose of providing a better service and better understanding the needs of our customers.

Modifications to this privacy notice may make modifications or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time. Modifications or updates made will take effect at the time they are published on the website, on its affiliated sites or in any communication medium used to publish it, so it is recommended to be continuously reviewed.

Express acceptance of the Privacy Notice

If you do not expressly object to this notice and it?s updates, it is understood that you have given your tacit consent in terms of article 8 of the LFPDPPP. suggests to read this Privacy Notice, since the act to provide your data by any means, constitutes acceptance of this Privacy Notice.

We reserve the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time, for the attention of new legislation or jurisprudence, internal policies, new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products and market practices.
